
The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM


Mentorship is a catalyst capable of unleashing one's potential for discovery, curiosity, and participation in STEMM and subsequently improving the training environment in which that STEMM potential is fostered. Mentoring relationships provide developmental spaces in which students' STEMM skills are honed and pathways into STEMM fields can be discovered. Because mentorship can be so influential in shaping the future STEMM workforce, its occurrence should not be left to chance or idiosyncratic implementation.

IGEN News Spring 2020

Our IGEN Project Quarterly Newsletter highlights the work being done by our alliance members and partners.


Featured in this issue:

  • Supporting Graduate Student Well-Being
  • IGEN Bridge Application 
  • Partner Updates
  • Equity in Graduate Admissions


#NSFINCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) awarded $10M to boost opps for underrepresented students in grad physical science programs.

#NSFINCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) awarded $10M to boost opps for underrepresented students in grad physical science programs. WestEd is pleased to have served as lead evaluator in this major step forward.