
IGEN News Fall 2019

Our IGEN Project Quarterly Newsletter highlights the work being done by our alliance members and partners.


Featured in this issue:

  • A preview to the 2019 IGEN National Meeting
  • Growing Academic Partnerships!
  • Research & Inclusive Practices



IGEN News Summer 2020

Our IGEN Project Quarterly Newsletter highlights the work being done by our alliance members and partners.


Featured in this issue:

  • New Professional Networking Group
  • Workshops and Resources for Equity in Graduate Admissions
  • Disciplinary Partner Updates



Facilitator Training for Admissions Workshops


  • Preparing higher education change agents to facilitate interactive workshops on holistic graduate admissions.
  • Faculty and administrators with an interest in improving graduate education in STEM, and without competing financial interests, are welcome to apply.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who are faculty in the physical or social sciences and who have with demonstrated effort increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in doctoral education.


ChemIDP: ACS's Career Planning Tool

ChemIDP is an Individual Development Plan designed specifically for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Through immersive, self-paced activities, users explore potential careers, determine specific skills needed for success, and develop plans to achieve professional goals. ChemIDP tracks user progress and input, providing tips and strategies to complete goals and guide career exploration.

The GRE Fails to Identify Students that will Graduate and Hurts Diversity, New Study Finds

Researchers are urging universities across the United States to find a new way to identify the next generation of scientists. A new study discovered that traditional admissions metrics for physics Ph.D. programs such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) do not predict completion and hurt the growth of diversity in physics, which is already the least diverse of the sciences.