2024 Spring Bridge Department Collaborators Meeting


This is a two part series. Please register for both parts.

Part 1: June 13, 1-3 pm ET
Registration Link for Part 1: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcemprjssH9J8rb0eVFrYGiopEyZ4btd6

Part 2: June 27th, 1-3 pm ET 
Registration Link for Part 2: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuf-yuqD4sH9Gt8LVZbGSyDRiEpWQ6FK4z


The Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) will host the 7th joint IGEN Bridge Department Collaborators Meeting as a two part series on June 13 and June 27th, 2024 1:00–3:00 PM ET. The goal of this Fall's Bridge Department Collaborators Meeting is to Create or Revisit your Department and Research Group Codes of Conduct. 

We welcome our facilitators who are experts in creating inclusive workplaces from our partner ADVANCEGeo.

The foundation of a positive work climate is professionalism. Professionalism refers to the attitudes and behaviors that affect interpersonal relations of all types in the workplace. These relations include concepts of power, trust, respect, responsibility, justice, and fairness. Social structures that have hierarchical and asymmetric power relations have the potential for colleagues in positions of power to use this power to enable and enrich or abuse and diminish individuals. This can endanger professional and personal well-being, contribute to hostile work climates, and reduce productivity, research, and education outcomes. Ultimately, issues related to hostile work climates can affect program success. This workshop will provide resources to develop a workplace code of conduct that is proactive, preventative and promotes cultural change in office, laboratory, and field settings. A longer workshop provides time to create a framework and an action plan for personalized codes of conduct.

We do recommend each Bridge Program group send a few members to the second session so they can help imbed their institution's goals and policies into their working document.