
Postdoctoral Hiring & Equity Issues in STEM: Employment Trends, Policy and Research

Inequities in postdoctoral hiring reflect and contribute to inequities in the scientific labor force more broadly. Although their positions are usually temporary, postdoctorates comprise a substantial proportion of the STEM research workforce and conduct a large share of the work generating laboratory productivity.

ACS Bridge Fellow Danica Gressel on the Importance of Community and Representation in Grad School

"Like many students who apply to grad school, Danica Gressel wondered if she had what it takes to be successful. With help from some great mentors, faculty, and the ACS Bridge Program, she was able to put her doubts to rest and grow in confidence, professionalism, and skill." Excerpt taken from inChemistry article [November 12, 2020]

Connection First

Our Mission


We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission is to create spaces where people are seen, heard, and valued. To do this, the organization will use Nonviolent Communication and restorative practices to counter the effects of epidemic trauma in all systems: government, education, business, industry, and homes.


URGE: Unlearning Racism in Geoscience

URGE's primary objectives are to:


  1. Deepen the community’s knowledge of the effects of racism on the participation and retention of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people in Geoscience
  2. Draw on existing literature, expert opinions, and personal experiences to develop anti-racist policies and strategies, and
  3. Share, discuss, and modify anti-racist policies and strategies within a dynamic community network and on a national stage.


AGU Ethics and Equity Center

Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in science AGU’s leadership in establishing the Ethics and Equity Center will help promote greater diversity, equity, inclusion and integrity in scientific work and research environments. Delve into our newly redesigned site for tools to act and institute more inclusive practices in your workplace or organization.

AGU Pathfinder: Learn and Develop

No matter your career stage, professional and career development are important to advancing yourself and helping guide others. AGU Pathfinder provides career and educational resources, webinars, mentoring services, and support for students and professionals at all levels in Earth and space science. At AGU, we’re especially committed to inspiring and educating present and future generations of diverse, innovative, and creative Earth and space scientists. We know that the impact of our science grows when individuals and groups who aspire to contribute to science are welcomed and supported and when we have a strong pipeline. By helping all people at any stage of their careers, and through a commitment to creating ethical, inclusive and diverse work environments, we can strengthen the global Earth and space science community and broaden its positive impact on society.

Georgia Tech Student Opens Up About Pursuing an Advanced Degree as a Vietnamese American

"There is such a lack of diversity in STEM graduate school when it comes to ethnicities, especially when it comes to the Vietnamese community. Having more people within the Vietnamese community represented in STEM allows graduate school in STEM to be more accepted and normalized to Vietnamese who are considering a career in STEM. Read more to learn how Thomas Pho overcame this challenge and many others as he pursues his PhD in the chemical sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology." Excerpt taken from inChemistry article [September 22, 2020]