
Reducing Financial Barriers for Black Students in Science, Engineering, and Medicine: A Workshop

"A planning committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will organize a virtual public workshop to examine the financial barriers – including educational debt burden – preventing Black people from entering or continuing education in science, engineering, and medicine (SEM). The workshop will also identify policies and practices that perpetuate those barriers and lay a foundation of knowledge for others to be better positioned to engage on these issues."

3 part workshop, 9 hours total. 

Laboratories of the Future: Laboratory Mentorship across all Career Levels and Types

This DOE Laboratories of the Future (LOTF) workshop covered mentorship at the laboratories as a mechanism for creating successful environments and inclusive cultures across all career levels and types.

Melissa McDaniels, a CIMER co-investigator, was the first individual to be invited to participate in this workshop series in two separate academic years. 

Dos and Don’ts for Submitting a Successful AGU Bridge Partner Proposal

Dos and Don’ts for Submitting a Successful AGU Bridge Partner Proposal. 

Remember that the goal of the AGU Bridge Program is to improve equity in geoscience graduate education, representation will follow. Seek equity first rather than focusing solely on numbers of historically marginalized students. Consider reasons behind low representation of historically marginalized students in your department

The Inclusive Graduate Network March Meeting 2022 Session Y28

The Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) is an NSF INCLUDES Alliance that seeks to advance equity in graduate education across the physical sciences. The IGEN Alliance is led by the APS, other professional societies in the physical sciences, and social scientists who provide critical expertise needed to build toward systemic change in graduate education.