Dr. William Ratcliff II

Dr. William Ratcliff II

Dr. William Ratcliff II was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He attended the University of Michigan for his undergraduate degree. After obtaining his Bachelors in Science and Engineering, he attended graduate school at Rutgers, working in the group of Professor Sang Wook Cheong on CMR manganites, dilute magnetic semiconductors, and frustrated magnets. After finishing his doctorate, he went to the NIST Center for Neutron Research in Gaithersburg, Maryland for a National Research Council Postdoc working with Dr. Seunghun Lee on frustrated magnets and multiferroic materials. Afterward, he joined the staff and has been at NIST for 19 years. Dr. Ratcliff has coauthored over 80 papers whose total citations exceed 5000, given several invited talks at international conferences, and organized workshops on magnetic structure determination. He is a two-time winner of the NIST Bronze Medal, the highest honorary recognition given by the institute. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and an Associate Editor for Science Advances. He is past chair of the APS topical group on data science and is chair-elect of the APS topical group on magnetism. His current research focuses on topological materials, multiferroic materials, and applications of AI to neutron scattering.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

National Institute of Standards and Technology

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has partnered with IGEN to network with graduate students in IGEN Partner programs and increase the use of inclusive mentoring practices in national laboratories.
Dr. William Ratcliff II
Dr. William
Ratcliff II