2019 IGEN National Meeting
University of Central Florida

The Diversity Umbrella: What is Underneath it?

All too often the term diversity is a catch-all, meaning a variety of different things. Further, diversity is often tied to inclusion, equity, equality, and social justice with little explanation for how these terms - and more importantly work in these areas - are differentiated. As the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) seeks to address it's stated mission of increasing "the participation of underrepresented racial and ethnic minority students who enter graduate or doctorate level programs in the physical sciences" , it is imperative that IGEN-affiliates used shared language. In this interactive workshop, we will collaboratively define the "diversity-related" terms, and discuss their relationship to the IGEN mission.


Fairwinds Alumni Center, Ballroom A



Geraldine Cochran

Geraldine Cochran

Rutgers University