Shane M. Sickafoose

Shane M. Sickafoose
Manager, Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences

Shane Sickafoose, Ph.D., is currently manager of the Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His department provides expertise to a variety of fundamental science research efforts as well as application spaces including low temperature plasma science, novel optical detection systems, new optical material design, material characterization, and non-proliferation.

Shane attended the University of Arizona, graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and B.A. in Creative Writing. He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of Utah. He hired into Sandia California in May 2001 in the Analytical Materials Science department where he worked on development of a number of optical and spectroscopic diagnostic techniques and tools, applying them to both industry and non-proliferation projects.

Shane moved to Sandia New Mexico in December 2006 to work in the Lasers, Optics, and Remote Sensing Department on LIDAR detection and discrimination of biological aerosols. Since then he has worked on a variety of non-proliferation and work-for-others projects applying spectroscopic and optical techniques as well as signature identification expertise. Shane transitioned to management of the department in 2017, where he continues to interface with external and internal customers to coordinate the subject matter expertise of his department.

Sandia National Laboratories

Shane Sickafoose, Ph.D., is currently manager of the Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His department provides expertise to a variety of fundamental science research efforts as well as application spaces including low temperature plasma science, novel optical detection systems, new optical material design, material characterization, and non-proliferation.

Shane attended the University of Arizona, graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and B.A. in Creative Writing. He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of Utah. He hired into Sandia California in May 2001 in the Analytical Materials Science department where he worked on development of a number of optical and spectroscopic diagnostic techniques and tools, applying them to both industry and non-proliferation projects.

Shane moved to Sandia New Mexico in December 2006 to work in the Lasers, Optics, and Remote Sensing Department on LIDAR detection and discrimination of biological aerosols. Since then he has worked on a variety of non-proliferation and work-for-others projects applying spectroscopic and optical techniques as well as signature identification expertise. Shane transitioned to management of the department in 2017, where he continues to interface with external and internal customers to coordinate the subject matter expertise of his department.

Manager, Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences