Jonathan D. Madison

Jonathan D. Madison, Ph.D., is a research scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, in Albuquerque, New Mexico within the Material, Physical and Chemical Sciences Center. Madison received his B.S. from Clark Atlanta University in Engineering Science with a concentration in Mechanical in 2003 and received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2007 and 2010, respectively. Jonathan has spent time supporting basic and applied research at Washington State University, Pullman WA; the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In his current role, he provides multi-scale, experimental characterization that enables materials-based insights and solutions.
Professionally, Jonathan maintains active membership in ASM International (ASM) and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). A few of Madison’s accolades include; Sandia National Laboratories – Early Career LDRD Award (2010), Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on 3D Materials Science, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation (2014), Albuquerque Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” (2015), Black Engineer of the Year Awards – “Most Promising Scientist in Industry” (2015), and Lead Organizer, 3rd TMS National Summit on Diversity in the Minerals, Metals & Materials Professions (2018). While at Sandia, Madison has spearheaded a multi-year effort to build in-house 3D characterization capability by acquiring capital equipment within his first two years, expanding his department’s customer base and bringing new tools to bear on some of Sandia’s most challenging materials problems.
Jonathan’s research interests focus on the intersection of experimental and computational techniques for 3D reconstruction of microstructure, quantitative characterization and simulation of microstructural evolution. Dr. Madison has 8 Department of Energy published technical reports, over 25 peer-reviewed articles in archival journals, 930+ citations and an h-index of 13.
Civically, Jonathan is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as well as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and holds life membership in each.